The Arc's Advocacy & Family Support team is here to help

The Advocacy & Family Support team from left to right: Taylor Crisp, Jason Stolz, Jennifer Ranney, Jim Lane, Laine Anderson, Megan Juneau, and Katie Sutch.

How does Individual Advocacy work?

Individual Advocacy provides information, referrals, individualized support, and advocacy resources to assist people with developmental disabilities and their families.

This includes providing emotional support, exercising and protecting legal and civil rights, assisting in accessing community services, and collaborating with other agencies to access needed services to best serve the individual. The Arc of Spokane is the only agency currently providing crisis resources to those with IDD, and their families in Spokane County.

Exciting changes

With funding from Spokane County United Way, The Arc of Spokane has been able to hire a self-advocate for the Individual Advocacy team at 10 hours per week. In previous years, Individual Advocacy served about 60 unique clients each year to address around 120 different kinds of individual issues, including guardianship and alternatives, future planning, legal resources, payee services, housing, employment, person-centered planning, assistive technology, transportation, medical equipment, recreation, advocacy, diagnosis and testing, education, and more.

In 2021, the IA team was able to successfully serve 188 clients, tripling the amount previously served in nine months.

If you or a loved one has a need, contact us at or by calling (509) 328-6326. We would love to work with you!