Holidays with The Arc!

Thanks to a generous donation in honor of Hal Torgerson, the Community Center’s Christmas party was a hit for all the members able to attend.

A group of Community Center members decorated a tree for The Arc of Spokane at the Pavilion in Riverfront Park in late November. The tree is part of City of Spokane’s Trail of Lights, Tree Walk and Community Tree Lighting events and will be displayed until January.

Kathy Lamb holds up one of the ornaments as an earring

Patrick Corbett and Jack Ryan place their decorations

Iggi Charon admires her handiwork after decorating the tree


Amy Cinkovich had a great time volunteering through the Tree of Sharing with The Arc's Transition & Young Adult Program. During her volunteer shift, she helped collect gift donations and made sure they made it to their destination.

The Tree of Sharing connects members of the Spokane community who are in need with gifts during the holiday season.

Many of The Arc's clients and staff in Supported Living homes celebrated the holiday season by decorating ornaments.

Sherry Best

Adonna Baer

Judy Kottwitz

Community Center members and staff pose by the decorated tree representing The Arc

Corey Horstman (staff) puts a bow on the tree top

Community Center members and staff pose by the decorated tree representing The Arc

Meeting Santa

After enjoying hot cocoa during an excursion to Northtown Mall, Nathan Baldwin marched right up to Santa to give him his wish list.

Tim Lookebill

Katrina Heierbacher

Joyce Harvey